'Lil brother 1st birthday


Bouquet for new born baby

Candy bouquet

Oink Oink ~ I like apples

Happy frog... Hoop hop hooop

Panda and his bamboooo



Cute baby giraffe

The Giraffe – DID YOU KNOW?

Giraffe baby kiss

Eats up to 75 pounds of food a day (typically Acacia leaves)
Favorite food – Acacia Leaves
Tongue is 18 inches long
Have a four chambered stomach and will regurgitate their food for additional chewing – similarly to a cow.
Typically get most of their water from the Acacia leaf, but will drink up to 10 gallons of water per day.
Knobs are called Ossicones

Although rarely heard, Giraffes can moo, hiss, roar and whistle to communicate with one another
Have the longest tail of any land mammal – up to 8 feet long, including the tuft at the end.
Giraffes at the San Diego zoo enjoy raw onions as a special treat
Ancient Romans and Greeks thought that the Giraffe was a mix between a camel and a leopard. This is where their scientific Genus name of "camelopardalis" comes from.
Their heart is 2 feet long and weighs about 25 pounds
The heart's muscular walls are several inches thick
They have the highest known blood pressure of any mammal in the world – up to 280/180mm Hg when prone at heart level (approximately twice that of an average human)
Their heart beats up to 170 times/minute
Jugular vein contains a series of one way valves that prevent the back flow of blood when the Giraffes head is down to drink water. This prevents the Giraffe from blacking out.
The heart pumps about 16 gallons of blood/minute
Oxpeckers(tick birds) are often seen "hitching" a ride on the backs of Giraffes. They help keep the Giraffe parasite free by eating ticks and other parasites off of the Giraffes skin.

Extreme care must be taken when scientists catch Giraffes for study or for capture for a zoo exhibit. If the Scientists run the Giraffe too long, the Giraffe will suffer a heart attack due to its high blood pressure. Scientists typically target younger Giraffes for this reason.
Have no tear ducts, although they have been seen crying
Have never been observed bathing

Mom Giraffes form a type of daycare for their young. One of the females in the heard will stay behind and baby sits all of the youngsters while the rest of the females go out foraging for food.

Despite its extreme length, the Giraffes neck is actually too short to reach the ground. As a result, it has to awkwardly spread its front legs or kneel on its front legs in order to reach the ground to drink water.

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It is the tallest animal in the world
Males stand 16-18 feet; Females 14-16 feet
Males weigh up to 2,000 pounds; Females a bit lighter 
Females use their hooves as weapons only to defend their young.
They are strong enough to kill a lion, which is the Giraffe's only real predator. 
Born with horns. Both males and females have them.Covered with skin males are thicker and heavier and are used sometimes to fight other males. Only found naturally in Africa.
Their tongue is black
Can gallop 31-37 miles per hour
Form herds and travel together for protection
Their average territorial range is approximately 46 square miles
Males known as bulls, females known as cows 
Can rest standing up
Usually only sleep 5 minutes at a time
When sleeping, the giraffe generally lies on the ground, tucking its front legs under itself, then curls its neck back and rests its head on its rump. 
Females have their first conception in their fifth year.
Gestation period is 15 months
Interval between births is generally 20 months
Life expectancy of 25 years in the wild
A baby is generally 6 feet tall and will weigh about 150 pounds at birth
A baby will fall approximately 6 feet during birth before hitting the ground
A baby will begin nursing within one hour
A baby will generally also begin walking within one hour 
They spend between 16 and 20 hours a day feeding

Gift for mom ~ hi kitty

Hello Kitty bags for birthday

Hello kitty stories

Hello Kitty (ハローキティ Harō Kiti) (full name Kitty White (キティ・ホワイト Kiti howaito) is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, first designed by Yuko Shimizu. She is portrayed as a female white Japanese bobtail cat with a red bow. 

The character's first appearance on an item, a vinyl coin purse, was introduced in Japan in 1974 and brought to the United States in 1976. The character is a staple of the kawaii segment of Japanese popular culture. Hello Kitty first came into being in the 70s when a then new company called Sanrio needed to come up with a merchandise mascot that would appeal to the preteen girl demographic.They commissioned an artist to work on the project and she came up with a drawing of a white Japanese Bobtail catthat had a red bow in it’s hair and was wearing blue overalls. You can see the original Hello Kitty concept on the coin purse in the picture above, which was the first Hello Kitty product ever.

A whole back story for Hello Kitty was created, which is basically this:

Hello Kitty is actually a nickname for Kitty White, who is not Japanese but actually British and lives in London with her family. She has a twin sister named Mimmy. The only way you can tell the two apart is by their bows, Hello Kitty wears a red bow and Mimmy wears a yellow one. She is in the third grade but when school’s out she travels the world making new friends. She is bright, kind-hearted, and loves the outdoors. Favorite food: apple pie. Favorite word: friendship (of course). Height: five apples tall.
But why doesn’t she have a mouth? The Hello Kitty character was deliberately designed without a mouth because the lack of that visual cue makes it easier for people to project their own feelings on to the cartoon. Or as one author put it ‘the person can be happy or sad together with Hello Kitty’.